In our secret newsletter we regularly offer our community special services, unique opportunities and various offers first and in a limited version.
In our exclusive newsletter for February, we extended a special opportunity to our artists: the chance to have a professional article – interview on our website’s Blog section, in English, with all the work taken care of by us.
Thank you to everyone who submitted their portfolios, projects, and motivation letters. We were captivated by the creativity and talent showcased. After careful consideration, we are pleased to announce that Alina Karmadanova (@Alinkarma) has been selected as the winner! Congratulations, Alina!
We will be conducting a thorough journalistic interview with Alina, gathering insights through questionnaires, and crafting the final material.
Stay tuned as we share the results on Instagram! For more interesting and useful content, don’t forget to explore our website
If you too would like to feature in a professionally written article about your projects in English, with the potential to be shared on your website, or in your Artist Archive, feel free to reach out to us at +79167993778.
В секретной рассылке мы предлагаем нашему коммьюнити особые сервисы, уникальные услуги и различные предложения первыми и в лимитированной версии. Если вы еще не подписаны, то будем рады вас добавить!