work experience
2019/20 curator of Slava Polunin exhibition for Museum of Moscow (Paris Le Moulin Jaune)
2019 - chief curator of the State Museum - Cultural Center "Integration" named after N.A. Ostrovsky, Moscow
2018 - curator and concept developer project of sculpture galleries for Cube Space, Moscow
2016/17 - curator of the Total Art gallery, Moscow
2013/18 Producer of the project "Museum in cube. Daniil Harms Museum".
Cartoons: «Argentine lullaby», «Аll is vanity», «The book MALGIL»
Theatre play: «Alice behind the screen» , «Symptom Opera», «Battle with meanings», «My FeFe», theatre of Russian songs
Big cartoon festival art director 2011, 2012, 2014
Public talks
2021 - guest speaker at "Knafaim Week!", organized by the Knafaim Community, Moscow.
2021 - speaker of three webinars. "How to realize your potential in the West/East, get into art-residences, study in Europe, about prices and galleries".
2021 - speaker of four copyright webinars for artists and photographers.
2020 - Public Talk in the framework of the program "International Strategies in the Art Business" at the Moscow School of Contemporary Art, Curators of MSCA, Director of the ISCP Art Residency in New York Susan Hapgood, Director of the ACME Art Residency in London Paul Bailey.
2020 - speaker. Online conversations about art a-s-t-r-a + people. Art residencies and strategies for the development of an artist's career. Organized by A-S-T-R-A Galleries
2020 - "Сonversation with the artist"
2020 - art marathon for artists in English.
2020 - Art fever online auction
Curator of education program (soon)
I started teaching in 2012, since 2015 I have been conducting individual courses and trainings.
My total teaching experience is more than 10.000 hours, and the students who have completed my courses are more than 450. I am the author of courses and lectures:
2021 - course for artists "East West" by invitation for the school Art Fanatka
2020 - in the jury of the Higher School of Economics
2020 - the world's first audio course on Creative Thinking "Art of pleasure. 24/7", Shtormit School
2020 - development of materials for individual consultations and portfolio review, Shtormit School
2020 - lecture "How to write a motivation letter and get a grant", Shtormit School
2020 - volunteer section for summer teenager camp online
2019 - Lecture "Creative Thinking", Center Spirituel et Culturel Orthodoxe Russe, Paris
2019 - online course "Weekend art", Shtormit School
2019 - course for teenagers "Painting UP-Grade. Artists of the Avant-garde", the center of the Avant-garde of the Jewish Museum and the center of Tolerance, Moscow
2019 - webinar "What does art smell like? Olfactory installations", Winzavod, Moscow
2018 -19 - course "Art Saturday", Moscow Multidisciplinary College named after L. B. Krasina
2018-19 - "How to create your own exhibition?", Architectural School MARSH / MARSHroot
2018-19 - "Art of the Weekend", MMOMA Educational Center, AdSchool
2018 - lecture "Creative thinking", Winzavod, Moscow
2018 - educational program "Curators / Artists. Kaliningrad / Moscow", Grant from GOOGLE and Goethe Institut Russland
2018 - intensive "Art Marathon. Reload", Stormit studio, Moscow
2018 - webinars for teenagers "Tikun Olyam in Contemporary Art", 12-13. club, REC
2018 - action "Art-marathon for the lazy", Telegram
2018 - lecture "What does art smell like? Olfactory installations", Limmud Moscow
2018 - intensive "Art Marathon. Reboot. 6 hours", Gnezdo Gallery
2018 - preparation of materials for the lecture "Kinetic Art", Association Exhibition Halls of Moscow
2017 - art intensive for radio broadcasts "5 days of creativity", Cité internationale des arts, Paris
2017 - lecture "Creative thinking", project Knafaim
2017 - Lecture "Creativity and Women in Contemporary Art", RJC Women's League, Moscow
2017 - course for children "Tresh-art", commissioned by the Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection of Moscow
2017-18 - preparation of materials for the course "Cinema Artist", Cinema Museum at VDNKh
2017-18 - "Character. Creative Thinking for Illustrators", MORS School of Illustrators
2017 - lecture "Crisis of the creative age", conference Limmud Moscow
2016-17 - course "Creative thinking. Look and see as an artist", MMOMA MASMAK
2014 - the program "You Know Where You Live", street art and public art for teenagers commissioned by the Association, exhibition halls of Moscow
2012 - lecture "Who is a cinema artist", Association Exhibition Halls of Moscow, gallery "Na Kashirke"
audio interview
2020 - podcast about contemporary art and the role of the artist in the theater, about Daniil Kharms.
On this page you will find the reviews of my students.
More reviews in the school's Facebook group
On my work page Lisa Shtormit Curator
Instagram shtormit_school
Instagram liza_shtormit