Agafia developed a fascination for crafting art dolls in her early childhood. Today, by merging photography with fine decorative art, Agafia brings forth projects that explore the intersection of psychology, mystification, and staging. Through allusions, metaphors, and associations, she speaks on the themes of existentialism, and the absurdity of existence.
Agafia’s dolls are part of private collections in the USA, England, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, China, Russia, Japan, and Australia. A participant in exhibitions in the USA. Her works have been published in magazines across France, the UK, Germany, and the USA. Lives and works in Berlin.
"I’m happy I took this adventure! Lisa and Anya were very supportive. They were listening to me attentively, taking the direction that resonated with me. If something didn’t suit me, they changed it. There were times when I found it difficult to express my thoughts and I was confused – especially when working on a future project that I didn't have a clear picture of. I am very glad they not only didn't let me down, but also didn’t make me feel silly.
I am fascinated by how a lot of scattered bits and pieces such as thoughts, facts, past exhibitions, publications, have turned into a nicely structured Art Document. My particular thanks go for the texts for the projects description!"
Агафья Полынчук, художник
"Я очень рада, что решилась на это приключение.
Лиза и Аня очень поддерживали, внимательно слушали и шли в направлении, которое мне откликалось, если что-то мне не подходило - меняли.
Были моменты, когда мне сложно было сформулировать мысли, я путалась в мыслях - в особенности работа над будущим проектом, понятной картины которого у меня не было в голове - я очень благодарна, что меня не только не бросили на полпути, но и не дали почувствовать себя глупой.
Я в восхищении, как из множества разбросанных кусочков - мыслей, фактов, прошедших выставок, публикаций получились шикарные структурированные арт документы.
Мое отдельное спасибо за тексты к проектам!"